Brain Waves
Global expert at OVC is exploring the complexities of canine epilepsy.
Global expert at OVC is exploring the complexities of canine epilepsy.
How can stem cells help treat disease and injury?
What can dog owners understand about their pet’s behaviour through their body language, and more specifically, what we can learn and how we can use dog body language as an indicator of fear and aggression?
Searching for answers for a common heart disease in cats.
How Can I Heal If You Won’t Let Me Sleep?
“For me, donating to OVC Pet Trust is the best way to give back and honour the life of a pet I’ve cared for. Supporting companion animal health and well-being helps humans and our pets. It helps all of us.”
A team at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) is currently using big data to look at how to accurately predict the average weight of cats over their lifetimes to allow for a more personalized model of medicine and preventive approach to healthcare.
VCA Canada gives back to life’s greatest companions.
How a special connection in OVC’s animal cancer centre waiting room inspired one serendipitous legacy.
A NEW emerging DEADLY parasite poses a threat to canine and human health in Ontario.